De asemenea, pentru o comunicare cît mai rapidă, Secţia are, de curînd, şi un cont pe Twitter.
În plus, există numeroase site-uri care oferă informaţii despre limba sau cultura japoneză; numeroase dicţionare şi baze de date sînt disponibile gratuit online şi se află doar la un click distanţă…
Cataloage de resurse:
uPal, United Portal for Advanced Learning – site pe care sînt centralizate diverse resurse online, administrat de prof. Miwa Joji de la Universitatea Iwate
În total numărul de caractere chineze este necunoscut, deoarece în fiecare an apar forme noi.
Caracterele chinezeşti sunt teoretic o paradigmă liberă şi deschisă pentru schimbări.
Numărul cuvintelor in dicţionarele ale limbii chineze este cel mai bun indiciu pentru a observa evoluţia graficii limbii chineze.
Chinese characters are theoretically an open set. The number of entries in major Chinese dictionaries is the best means of estimating the historical growth of character inventory.
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A guide to Japan’s general election
As Japan’s 27 October general election approaches, I will be distributing a
guide to the election, reviewing each constituency and offering a rough
Shinpai Deshou, the Next Generation
Shinpai Deshou has been quiet for some time, and a post about it is long
overdue. What can I do with a B.A. in Japanese Studies? began in 2010,
which is al...
«Ёжик в тумане» по-японски (видео)
«Ёжик в тумане» — культовый советский мультфильм 1975 года, режиссер Юрий
Норштейн, автор Сергей Козлов. Наверное, во всем мире больше нет
The Best Kanji Learning Programs
[image: Header 1280x]Learning kanji is tough. The unfamiliar shapes. All
the different ways to read a single kanji. And what's more — there are over
2,000 ...
Why is Japanese So Learn to Learn?
Learning the Japanese language can be a challenging endeavor for many
individuals due to its unique characteristics and complexities. There are
also fact...
Calgary Dental Blog
The Calgary dental blog is the online extension of Inglewood Family Dental.
This dental practice in Calgary provides personalized care for all its
Gacha, Our Life
If you have been to Japan, you might have seen Gachapon. It is also known
as gacha, gashapon, or gachagacha. Gacha is a name trademarked by Takara
Bluehost Review: Complete overview with Cons
Bluehost is one of the largest web hosting companies in the world &
officially recommended by WordPress since 2006. It offers a variety of
hosting plans & ...
Episode 81
Today Dave talks with *Jayelon Lasseign*, an American who lives in
Shinanomachi, a small town in the far northern part of Nagano Prefecture.
Jayelon shar...
Giappone, 2 esecuzioni il Venerdì Santo
Il governo giapponese ha confermato questa mattina l’esecuzione di due
condannati a morte da tempo nelle carceri nazionali. Lo rende noto
AsiaNews. L’ennes...
Break Bread with Me
A version of my essay on gastrodiplomacy and the power of food appeared in
the March issue of Metro Minutes a couple of weeks ago. Thank you, dear Yuu
Документальный фильм "Знакомство с Японией"
21 февраля 2016 года в конференц зале Областной научной библиотеки на ул.
Ю.Савченко,10 начнется цикл показа документальных и художественных фильмов
о ку...
Chokochoko is closing…
Dear readers, It has been a long, loooong time since I’ve made another blog
post as I have been doing a lot of other things in life which didn’t allow
me t...
Rafturile timpului
Amintirile asezate ca rufele la uscat, atarnate la soare, sub un vant
subtire si in aer proaspat. M-am gandit zilele astea sa astern momente si
gesturi uni...
Bir Raw Food Diyet değiştirme - Bazı Hususlar
Bir Raw Food Diyet değiştirme - Bazı Hususlar
Başlangıç veya çiğ gıda diyet değişen sağlıklı kalırken kilo kaybetme
için harika bir seçim olabilir. Herha...
Sultry Assassin The Aphrodisiac Kill (2010) DVDRip
Original Post: *Sultry Assassin The Aphrodisiac Kill (2010) DVDRip*
*For Adults Only!*
An Edo Period commoner discovers a weapon more powerful than the ...
Upside down luck at Chinese restaurants
There are lots of Chinese restraunts here in Japan. Of course, the food is
different than what is passed off in other countries ( I prefer American
*Home* *Previous Columns* *Book Reviews* *Other Articles* *Reader Response*
- #115 "Get your motor running for the revamped JLPT"
- #114 ...
Dare I go back to Japan?
I've been offered a teaching position in Gunma Prefecture northwest of
Tokyo and am considering taking it. Japan has loomed so large on my mind
for years, ...
New Online Store and New Guidebook for Fukuoka
Following the release of Finding Fukuoka: A Travel and Dining Guide for the
Fukuoka City Area, I have launched an online store over
at ...
we've moved!
Guess what? I am quitting blogger. Blogger is terrible, horrible,
breakable, no fixes, nothing. My new blog opens tomorrow, April 1st. Please
visit the new...
Nines and Rays?
Changes on the horizon for the YouTube channel, and for us in general.
Back to Japan, back to work, and back to the kind of focus on building
something t...
Nengajo 2013
THE first greeting traditionally offered in Japan on New Year’s Day is
Akemashite, o-medeto gozaimasu. So, akemashite, y’all! And Happy New Year!
Finding time in a busy life
I must confess, I’m a pretty fickle person. I usually start work on
something, ignore it for a long time, and come back to it when it’s fresh
and exciting ...
Ten Quirky Objects
Here are 10 objects that pretty much any Japanese person would recognize,
but which may not be so familiar to foreigners. How many do you know?
(Bonus poin...
My Top 7 Books for Learning and Studying Japanese
There are a lot of books to learn Japanese from, but not all of them are
good. I even portrayed one in “Why Your Language Book is Holding Your
Japanese Bac...
頑張ろう • ニッポン – Muslin Square Project
In the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami in Touhoku people are slowly
rebuilding their lives. However with so much wiped out I can only guess at
the ...
A translation of Satoshi Kon's last words
I didn't think it really belonged here, so over on my personal blog I have
posted a rough translation into English of anime director Satoshi Kon's
last words.
Expo '70: Tower Of The Sun
A Journey To The Tower Of The Sun
I had a vague idea to visit the sight of the 1970 Osaka World Expo while I
was in Japan last month, but not much of plan...
time please, ladies and gentlemen
Thanks for visiting, and thanks for your comments.
There's a list of all 323 posts HERE.
*An Englishman in Osaka*
The race for rare metals is on - A view from Japan
Demand for rare earth metals is expected to accelerate due to growing use
of next generation green technologies. High performance batteries, wind
power gen...
Remembering the Kanji 2 and 3 reprinted
Volumes 2 and 3 of Remembering the Kanji are now available for pre-ordering
on Amazon or direct from the publisher, University of Hawai'i Press. Copies
of ...
Четыре драгоценности 40
«Записи вернувшегося к полям» 歸田錄 Оуян Сю (歐陽修 1007—1072) Когда на троне
был Чжэнь-цзун, он из года в год, как говорится, любовался цветами и удил
рыбу, а ...
Индоевропейский символ "Засеянное поле" в Африке
Знак Богини Матери «засеянное поле» невероятно популярен в Западной Африке,
прежде всего у народа хауса, говорящего на языке чадской языковой группы.
Aaj Ki Raat Song Download MP3 Stree 2
Stree 2, one of the most popular recent movie has a famous song whose name
is Aaj ki raat is wide popular among fan. These song has catchy soundtrack
and s...
Feminine Product Euphemisms in Chinese
I saw this posted by David Moser on Facebook recently: David writes: This
bilingual sign in the restroom of a Beijing hospital is interesting. The
Alphabetic ‘s’ for Ms.
Recently, Victor Mair posted an image from Taichung of an apostrophe r
representing “Mr.” (Alphabetic “Mr.” and “Mrs. / Ms.” in Chinese) Here’s a
Lesson 001. Basic Greetings in Mandarin Chinese.
There are several basic greetings in Mandarin Chinese. In this lesson you
will learn how to greet people you meet for the first time and also people
you ha...
Я открыл Телеграм канал
Друзья, у меня открылся телеграмм канал
"Алхимия творчества", подписывайтесь!
Там я начал публикацию видео своего нового онлайн курса....
The Bilingual Manuscript with the Irk Bitig
My paper on the tenth-century Old Uyghur codex known as Irk Bitig (Irq
Bitig) is finally out. It is in a fantastic volume edited by Michael Clarke
and Máir...
Перевод: «Белка и Черныш» Ван Аньи
Ван Аньи – современная китайская писательница, автор многочисленных
романов, повестей, рассказов, эссе. Ее роман «Песнь о бесконечной тоске»
удостоен сам...
I Know Your Name 我知道你的名字
Long time no post! I’m delighted to announce that a song I wrote with the
inimitable Galen Crew (Instagram | Weibo) came out yesterday! What an epic
Russia-China Tobacco Ltd
Advertising posters were the main way of promoting brands in the 1920’s and
1930’s Shanghai. The methods was brought from the USA mostly by Carl Crow,
who ...
Гонконг в Гонконге
Вот как будет правильно – в Гонконг, или на Гонконг?
На самом деле оба варианта подходят. Только в первом случае Гонконг у вас
будет особым территориальным...
City Guide: Things to Do and avoid in Lhasa, Tibet
Why visit Lhasa? Lhasa ལྷ་ས་, literally the “Place of the Gods,” is the
capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region, is located in the southeast of
Tibet, and...
Израиль. Afula, Haifa 9-13 декабря
Каждая страна пахнет по-своему. В эту поездку у меня наконец сложился паззл
запаха Израиля: кондиционер для стирки одежды, восточные пряности и шварма
с ка...
6 Reasons to Visit China
At first glance, China seems like home to bamboo forests, vibrant cities,
and centuries of ancient history, but…
The post 6 Reasons to Visit China first ...
«Пляжи Тайваня» - Байшавань в Кэньдине
Пляж Байшавань (кит. 白沙灣) считается одним из самых больших и самых
популярных пляжей южного Тайваня, а, может быть, и всего Тайваня в общем и
целом. Он нах...
Щелыково. Музей-заповедник А. Н. Островского
Кострома и Костромская область узнаваема в России многими, если так можно
выразиться, брендами. К ним относятся как известные исторические личности
(Иван С...
I took a break
I took a break because I was broken. It’s been hard to find my voice and
write something down when you wake up and find yourself in the present day
Happy Spring Festival from all of us at TeraScape!
May the new Year of the Dog bring all the luck, health and wealth that you
desire! 出入平安
The post Happy Spring Festival from all of us at TeraScape! appea...
Книжный канал Шу
Подумалось мне тут задним мозжечком, что размещать книги в общей ленте
телеграма не слишком хорошая идея из-за буквы С в кружочке. Поэтому под
макулатуру с...
Book Covers as Art
I was going through some of my books the other day, and was struck by how
beautiful (or just interesting) some of the covers are. So I thought I’d
share. ...
Christmas, 2016
I just want to start out, here and now, by saying that I’ve had a great
year. Really, it’s been my best year in twenty years, no bullshit. 2016
went very w...
More jobs: Job opening at HKU
The University of Hong Kong is advertising an opening for an assistant
professor in the Department of Philosophy. The AOS/AOC are open. Applicants
working ...
Moving My Blog to
I’ve decided to move my blog site to a new platform and new web host. So
this website will be closing down and migrating to which is a
free h...
The Red Bird
The Song of the Red Bird
On the 21st day of the first autumn month, a glowing red bird sang to me:
Ah Ho! Listen my child:
Many holy sublime individuals...
Тао Юань-мин - друг хризантем
[image: Тао Юаньмин.jpg]
Пост о празднике "Двойной девятки", который отмечали 21 октября (2015 г.).
Читать тут
Stories and Legends: Yunnan's Torch Festivals
I don't recall exactly when I first heard stories about The Torch Festival
in Yunnan, but I do remember going to the festival in Stone Forest County
Вела в ФБ насыщенную дискуссию о том, какого рода китайский город Цзинань.
В поисках правды у гугла выяснила, что коллайдер, оказывается, аДронный,
Как протестуют китайцы
В Китае есть такая форма протеста — китайцы вывешивают с окон своих квартир
красные транспаранты с белыми иероглифами (реже — черные транспоранты с
Foxconn Moving Direct to Consumer
I remember having conversations years ago about what Foxconn would do going
forward, and whether or not they would be happy as the manufacturer to
Mandarin, a stream of syllables with meaning
Introduction There is something special about Chinese compared many other
languages. Essentially every syllable has a meaning and as the number of
Европейский выбор России. Он же – единственный
Некоторое время назад я уже говорил о Евроантлантическом выборе России.
Считаю необходимым вернуться к этой теме вновь. Известно, что есть
несколько наибол...
How do you say Tapbooty in Mandarin?
John & I built a new product called Tapbooty. So, how do you say "Tapbooty"
in Mandarin?
In fact, we don't know yet! If you have a suggestion as to which...
In Depth: Shi Qing
[“All that is solid melts into air” installation, ShanghArt H-Space,
2012] Text by Lee Ambrozy / First published in ArtAsiaPacific, Issue 80,
Sept/Oct 2...
Stay Up
I need a t-shirt that says, "I defied gravity on Bus K525." Oh, and so does
the drunk guy on the subway who gave a great impression of a windmill on
Decoy Ducks and Xi Jinping
The operatic buzz among China watchers the last few days has been the
latest rumor put forward to explain why Xi Jinping, the odds-on favorite to
be electe...
Mearsheimer Is Right about China…Well, Mostly
I recently read an interesting article by John Mearsheimer entitled
“China’s Unpeaceful Rise“. In the article Mearsheimer takes a
characteristically provoc...
кантонский слэнг
расшифровываю кантонский слэнг на картинке выше (не все выражения):) слева
на право, сверху вниз:
埋堆 [maai4 deoi1] собираться, "сбиваться" вместе, образовы...
Happy Christmas
I remember that when I was little, teachers at school told me that everyone
around the world celebrated Christmas. They didn’t go to China, cause here
the ...
iPhone Apps for Chinese
I don’t actually have an iPhone. Guess I am not quite that cool. I do have
an iPod Touch though, so I must be kind of kù. And so with all of my
coolness, I...
8-Minute Virtual Video Ride on a Hong Kong Bus
If you’ve ever wondered what a bus ride from North Point to Stanley Bay on
Hong Kong Island looks like from the front row in the top level of a double
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